Usage of this web-site is subject to the conditions laid down in this disclaimer. If you disagree with any part of this disclaimer, you should not continue to use this site.Copyright and Trademarks
Unless otherwise stated, all material on this web-site is the intellectual property of SupplyTrade Ltd (t/as Teepol Products). This includes, but is not limited to, all text, diagrams, data-sheets, images, web pages, software and other resources. Both Tagfresh and Teepol are registered trademarks. SupplyTrade Ltd t/as Teepol Products own the UK rights to both names and sole european rights for distribution of Tagfresh air fresheners.Typographical an other errors
It is possible that minor or typographical errors may occur on this site, that lead to incorrect pricing or quantities for some product or service. Supplytrade Ltd has the right to cancel any orders placed at an incorrect price.Limitations of warranties and liability
The information contained in this web-site is provided to you “AS IS,” without warranty of any kind. To the extent permissable by law, we make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the content of this web-site. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We make no representation that this web-site or the servers that make them available are free from computer viruses. In no event shall we be liable for direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damages arising out of, or in connection with, your use of, or inability to use, this web-site. We have no duty to update this web-site and will not be liable for any failure to updat the site.Law and jurisdiction
This disclaimer supersedes any previous disclaimers published on this web-site. Supplytrade Ltd. reserve the right to revise or discontinue this web-site at any time, without notice. Supplytrade Ltd also reserve the right to amend this disclaimer at any time, without notice. These conditions shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with English law and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.Our details
- SupplyTrade Ltd t/as Teepol Products
- Murray Road
- Orpington
- Kent
- BR5 3RA
Phone and fax numbers
- Tel: 01689 877020
- Fax: 01689 877027